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Exterior Pest Control Spray Services

Protect your trees with our comprehensive range of exterior pest control spray services designed to ensure their health and vitality year-round. Our new services include:

Fruit Tree Pruning Service in Salt Lake City

Insecticide Sprays

Our targeted insecticide sprays tackle a variety of tree pests, including aphids, borers, and caterpillars. By focusing on these troublesome insects, we protect your trees from damage and maintain their overall health.

Fungicide Sprays

Combat fungal diseases effectively with our specialized fungicide sprays. From powdery mildew and rust to leaf spot, our treatments help keep your trees vibrant and disease-free.

Nutritional Sprays

Promote robust growth with our foliar nutritional sprays. These applications address and correct nutrient deficiencies, ensuring your trees receive the vital nutrients they need for vigorous growth and optimal health.

Dormant Oil Sprays

Safeguard your trees through the winter with our dormant oil sprays. Applied during the dormant season, these horticultural oils control overwintering pests and diseases, providing essential protection during the colder months.

Pest and Disease Preventative Sprays

Ensure ongoing tree health with our regularly scheduled preventative sprays. These treatments defend against known pest and disease threats, providing a proactive approach to maintaining the well-being of your trees.

Systemic Soil Drench and Injection

Enhance tree defense with our systemic soil drench and injection services. By administering pesticides or nutrients directly into the soil or tree, we ensure optimal uptake and effectiveness against pests and diseases.

Tree Health Monitoring and Diagnostic Services

Stay ahead of potential issues with our comprehensive tree health monitoring and diagnostic services. We offer ongoing assessments to identify early signs of trouble, recommending and implementing the appropriate spray treatments to address any concerns.

Protect your investment and enhance the health of your trees with our expert pest control and care services. Contact us today to schedule your treatments and ensure your trees remain strong and beautiful all year long.

Contact Amen Trees for a Free Estimate!